One of my Instagram followers recently asked me how do you keep going when all you want to do is give up.
Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that it’s very common to feel like giving up on our dreams, intentions and goals at some point, especially when the journey feels overwhelming, progress is slow, or setbacks occur. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to throw in the towel on my manifestation journey!
These feelings often arise from fear, exhaustion, or frustration. But they don’t mean the change that you're seeking is unattainable.
But it is a sign that you’re at a point where something needs attention or change.
So here's some ideas on how to keep going even when all you want to do is give up:
1) Don't judge yourself
Like I've said, wanting to quit whilst working towards our best lives is a natural feeling. Our mind is designed to protect us and keep us safe and so it's understandable that when we want to do something different in our lives or do something that feels unfamiliar or uncomfortable, our mind tries to convince us to give up. So be kind to yourself - your thoughts of wanting to give up are normal.
2) Feelings are temporary
What might feel unbearable or overwhelming now will eventually shift. With conscious and consistent effort, you can and will change your circumstances. Yes it requires hard work but it can be done. And that leads me onto the next point...
3) Develop unwavering faith
When we embark on a self-development journey it is imperative we develop the belief that we are capable of changing our lives and manifesting what we truly desire. It doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you can build a foundation of self-belief that withstands challenges.
4) Be inspired
Follow inspiring and motivating people. Talk to them, listen to their story and learn from them. You might not realise but they will certainly have experienced feelings of wanting to give up countless times on their own journey. But they overcame those feelings and kept pushing forward and you will do the same.
5) Remind yourself of your 'why'
Why do you want to change? Why do you want to manifest your desires? What is the purpose of your life? Spend some time and reflect on these questions. And if you're struggling to formulate your answers then let me help you: each and every person on this planet was born with the power to fulfil their highest potential for the good of themselves, their family and friends and the rest of the world. Let this motivate you to get back up, brush yourself off and start many times as you need to.
6) Visualise
Sometimes we want to give up because we are so fixated on what is currently wrong in our lives or what could go wrong and as a result, the vision of our exciting future starts to feel further and further away. To counteract this, we can use visualisation to generate feelings of excitement for our future. Do some visualisation meditation and immerse yourself in your dreams and desires. Keep connecting with how it will feel to have manifested what you truly want.
7) Break it down
Making changes in our life can feel overwhelming. Be sure to break your goals down into smaller, manageable steps and remember to focus on progress, not perfection. Celebrate every success along the way - this builds momentum and reminds you of your capabilities.
8) Get out of your head and into your body
Our temptation to quit stems from the mind. But we can dislodge and shake these thoughts off by moving our bodies. Go for a brisk walk, a run, do some yoga, dance or simply jump up and down. It doesn't matter how you do it, just get your body moving. This is a great way to shift your mindset and create space to welcome more uplifting, motivating and inspiring thoughts.
9) Look after yourself
We won't feel motivated to keep pushing towards making changes in our lives if we aren't looking after the basics. And that means eating healthy, nutritional food, getting adequate rest and sleep and exercising our bodies. Be sure to practise self-care and do the things that soothe your mind, body and soul. When we feel good, we are more motivated to do good.
10) Talk it through
Finally, share your feelings with someone you trust whether that be a family member, a friend, a therapist or a coach. Talking is a very powerful way of releasing any unhelpful thoughts and emotions. And conversations with other people can help you see things from different perspectives which can inspire you and motivate you to change and take action.
In summary...
It is completely normal to feel like giving up sometimes but there are things you can do to help move through through those times when we want to quit and get you back on the path towards your best life.
Hope some of the ideas above help!
And do reach out to me if you want more information about my coaching services.
Andy x